It is soooo wet here. I'm tired of squishing in my yard. If I don't get to start walking soon, I think I'm gonna pop! My jeans will for sure. *L*
My youngest has a sweetheart. :) They're so cute together. She's a head taller than him but he says that's okay because he's older than she. He asked if he (we) could carry her to the movies for Valentine's Day. We said ok but her mom said she's too young to date. He's bummed. This age group (12) is so funny. They're "going out" but never go anywhere. They're dating someone but it's a secret. How do you date someone secretly? I'm proud of Kaleb not letting his friends' teasing get to him though. Oh the joys of puberty. *L*
I've not posted a single macro photo this week so I'm hoping I get some time tomorrow to experiment w/ some things & maybe catch up w/ that group.
I am more than I know myself to be.
This is so pretty!!!! Your eyes are GORGEOUS!