We live on a small farm. One of my favorite things is our chickens. I love having fresh eggs to eat AND I love that they love to eat bugs and mosquitoes!
A couple of weeks ago, we noticed Missy, one of our little red hens, was missing. Missing livestock is a sad fact of farm life. We have lots of coyotes, chicken hawks and raccoon around that like chickens too.
A few days ago, my son ran in, all excited that he'd found Missy out by the barn. I went to check because we have more than one red hen and honestly, they all start to look alike after awhile. But, he was right. It was her. And we heard peeping! Upon closer investigation, we discovered she had 9 baby chicks!

Missy's such a good mama! She teaches the babies to scratch for bugs and to pick out the very best ones!

She also makes sure they share their starter feed.

If someone gets too close to her little ones, she ruffles her feathers....

and chases them away.

And as the evening comes to a close, she calls them all to her and tucks them in for the night. :)

Thanks for stopping by! Please have a click and see what story Audrey of Kentiga Photography has to tell this month!