Our house belonged to my Grandmother. I've always loved it but have always dreamed of something different. Or so I thought.I'm a Pinterest junkie, and I've been pinning photos and links of my dream house. You'll find lots of shabby chic, old doorknobs, funky doors, etc. on my boards. The other day, I stumbled upon someone's pin of a room with wooden ceilings and walls and was about to repin when it dawned on me... I AM living in my dream house. Right now we've got the shabby and not so much chic, and we have some crooked walls and other "big" structural issues but I definitely have the canvas to begin my masterpiece. I fell in love with my little house all over again!Come on in! If the house is a bit messy and the weather's nice, I'll invite you to sit on the swing and I'll bring out some ice tea and we'll sit and chat. Luckily, not too much clutter today!

Mammaw called the hutch her "china cabinet". She'd say "If I die (like somehow, she would beat death) and y'all sell the house, leave the china cabinet for the folks who buy it." It has a big piece of duct tape across one of the glass panes where she repaired it. I just haven't had the heart to change it out. *L* And the kitchen...can you see our wavy ceiling. Yep, hubby says that means structural stuff.

Wood walls! The ceilings are wood too. And the floor but it's got some structural stuff with it too and most likely won't be saved.

I hope you enjoyed your visit!
Now, head on over to Lux Amoris Photography and let Jen share her story with you!