Wednesday, July 21, 2010

202/365 Theme: eyes

Blue eyes to match the mood. Just learned that the middling is making some dumb choices (nothing illegal or anything...just dumb), but alas, he is a "grown-up" or so he says. Hard to just sit back and watch a train wreck happen though.

On a happier note, I :heart: my kitties. Got a shot of his gorgeous blue eyes. Note the insane person reflected in same eyes acting like an idiot to get his attention. *L*
blue eyes

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Woefully behind

My poor blog has been neglected. Prom, graduation, etc caused a large part of it. Then, the middling left home & his mama didn't deal w/ it very well so I let several things go while I had myself a big ol' pity party. Then, the garden started coming in so I've been pretty busy.

I am pleased, however, that I didn't give up my Project 365. You can see the things that didn't get posted here on my Flickr.

My favorite shot of the summer has to be my firefly shot.

I was bummed by the blur of her head & was hoping to attempt a more "perfect" shot but their numbers are dwindling daily so I'll settle for what I have.

This week's 365 theme is "eyes".

Sunday's shot - eyes of needles *L*

Monday's - my eye...please pass when did I get old?

And today's, my kitty, Monty. I lurves his eyes!

I'll try to do better from now on. *L*